
These opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peace Corps, Rotary, or any other organization to which I am affiliated.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

“…It followed her to school one day…”

Yes, I am sure you all are thinking of Mary and her little lamb.  How cute was that?  A little girl whose pet lamb loved her so much that it went with her everywhere, including school!  No, I do not have a cute lamb following me to class, but Madras Christian College is a beautiful campus that is indeed a forest.  See the pictures below of my walk to class.  There are lots of beautiful trees and paths that lead to the Social Work Department.  Oh no, if you look too fast you might miss that right beside my dorm there was a picture of a deer.  YES, A DEER!  He is just chilling in the shade by the dorm in the middle of the day.  According to students the deer are very friendly and you can even walk up and you can feed them bananas out of your hand.   I will take all of their words for it, but I am not at all trying it out!  No thanks!  If anyone knows me, then they know my great love for animals, God’s precious creatures…This might be an exaggeration of the truth…I don’t like any of them.  I know we must coexist.  As long as they stay out of my way, I will stay out of theirs, but there is no friendly buddy time going on hahaha…I might be scared J.  As odd as it may sound, I absolutely love the outdoors and forests because the color green is everywhere.  It’s my favorite color and I am convinced it is one of God’s too J.  So it is a nice walk to class each day, with or without the chipmunks, and squirrels, deer, and random dogs roaming campus.  The sounds of nature are calming, and the shade the trees bring is refreshing considering southern Indian heat.  I love the campus and I have by no means seen half of it.  From what I understand, the campus is 365 acres.  I usually only walk about a mile to class and then a mile back, so I know I have not seen it all.  But I have time.  I will likely take a partner just in case I run into some not so friendly deer…


  1. LOL Aisha and a pet deer. I want to see a picture of that! :)

  2. Mary's little lamb did not follow her to school that day. If the writer had stayed with that lie all the kids in school would have had a great meal.

    1. Hahahahaha! You are probably right about that! And I do kinda like deer meat...so...hmm...
